Special offers

Use our free capacity and get the exclusive last minute prices. Call our telephone line and use free beds of the actual day for exceptional conditions. In one order you can get up to 40% off the price. Special offer involves all the facilities (hostels, pensions, hotels).

Do you often solve a problem with accommodation of a large group of people and you think it might be cheaper? Of course it’s possible! Everyone who books our accommodation for more days for five or more people gets benefits. For more info you can call our telephone line to get offer suited for you or your company. You can get the best budget offer when using the sevice of our hostels.

Since we offer the cheapest accommodation in hostels, pensions and hotels all over Prague, we decided to confirm that by best rate guarantee. In case you find cheaper accommodation nearby our facilities that can be compared with the one of ours, then you get a discount 10% of the price right away.